Best Screen Size To Design Websites

My friend and I always argued about the "right" or better screen size to design websites. He would design websites as wide as 1900 pixels for the reason that his monitor is that wide. I would prefer smaller because I believe most Internet users still use 1024 x 768 monitors.

I'm about to design a web site for Legaspi Landscapes. Again, I have this question in mind. What's the size of my website? Maybe, the experts have the answer.

At, the author said that there is no best screen size. What is important is that the web site can be viewed in any device, in any screen size. The size should be flexible, i.e., it should contract and expand fluidly in any screen size.

But, there should be a based size or the size to start with. shows live global, US, and UK stats on what the majority are using. The screen resolution 1024 x 768 is the one that is widely used globally. So, might as well design websites using this size.

Now, I have the knowledge of an expert to back up what I believe.

You can read the full article "Best Screen Resolution To Design Websites" at


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