Designing for 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines


The year 2021 marks the Jubilee Year for Christians in the Philippines, to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the coming of Christianity to this humble land. This is 500 years of evangelising the Gospel. It involves nine years of propagation that began in 2013, with a different theme each year. The Church is called to be Saints Together, which means that everyone in the church -- the Pope, the clergy, the religious, down to the community -- together must work and evangelize the Gospel of Christ.

Every year, the Church targets specific sectors such as:
  1. Year of the Laity (2014) 
  2. Year of the Poor (2015) 
  3. Year of the Eucharist and the Family (2016) 
  4. Year of the Parish as a Communion of Communities (2017) 
  5. Year of the Clergy and Consecrated Persons (2018) 
  6. Year of the Youth (2019) 
  7. Year of Ecumenism and Inter-Religious Dialogue (2020) 
In 2021, the theme is Missio ad Gentes, which means mission to the nations.  This theme completes all the evangelical purposes of the previous years.

What The Church Calls For

The Church calls for re-evangelization. Though the Philippines is about 82% Catholic, not all of them are practicing Catholics or go to Mass every Sunday. The Church is challenged by the mushroom growth of social media, sexual lifestyles, contracepting and various advocacies that detriment the Catholic church. For this reason, the Church invites Catholics to work together re-evangelizing the lukewarm faithful.

How Do You Contribute

Little things mean a lot. In your own little way, individually or as small group, find new ways to evangelize the lukewarm souls, a sort of re-inventing, perhaps, the old school methods of evangelizing, but without destroying the sacredness of the Traditions. The current generations no longer think and behave the way their parents and grandparents do. For this reason, re-evangelization calls for creativity to suit the minds of the new generations.

Personal Observation

Here's proof that I didn't know about the 2021 Jubilee Year celebration until last year when our parish priest in Makati started to promote the 2020 Jubilee year of our parish – Vicariate of Ss Peter and Paul – who is turning 400 years in 2020; together with the Jubilee Year of her Marian icon, Our Lady of the Rose, who is turning 300 years in 2018. This being said, if a Catholic is not immersed in any church activity, he would not know about the Jubilee Year 2021.

So, Here's My Contribution

I have designed a print for tee shirts and it looks like this.

My Principles In Creative Designing

  • There's a difference between an artist and a designer. An artist draws; a designer communicates a message.
  • It is big deal for a designer that his message cause an action. For that reason, he uses visual psychology such as colours, shapes, and subliminal messages.
  • One major technique that I use is to trigger a mind process such as to raise curiosity. If someone's mind is curious about what he just saw, he will ask or search for an answer. He will make an enquiry. That action of inquiring processes a thought in his brain. As a result, he absorbs more the message, he understands it, and remembers it regardless whether he accepts or not the message. If that happens, then the designer is happy. In contrast, if I show everything in my design, the seer will just look at it without processing it in his mind. As a result, there will be no recall.
  • Simplicity expresses more. It makes the design neat and focused. Minimalism is simplicity.

Elements of the Missio Ad Gentes Design

It's the Jubilee Year. It's the one the catches your first attention and the major element that raises curiosity.
missio ad gentes
It's the theme for that year that culminates all other themes of the previous years. This is the second element that supports the curiosity, for the reason that the latin phrase is not understandable. As a result, the person who sees it will ask the meaning of it.
500 Years of Christianity
It explains the reason for the celebration but leaving a space for curiosity, thus, in small text.
Now, let's try how smart you are.
Can you see the Eucharist?
The Eucharist symbolizes the Catholic Christianity.
Can you see anno domini?
Used as a subliminal message which goes with 2021 AD, ie, Year of the Lord.
How about this one?
Evangelization starts at home.
This one signifies your commitment.
Do you sign your name with a cross?
This one is hard.
Can you see the passion of Christ?

How Can You Evangelize With This Design

  • By wearing the shirt, not just once, you promote the 2021 Jubilee Year celebration. Wear it when you go to the church, community activity or even to the mall.
  • The message is universal as far as Philippines is concerned. Any individual, sector or group can wear it. It is non-exclusive. The Gospel is for everyone.
  • When somebody approaches you and inquire about the meaning of the design on your shirt, simply answer his question. That's your opportunity to evangelize, even in that little way. Just don't overdo it in order not to turn him off.

This Design is Free To Use

If you like this design, send me a message so I can send you a high-resolution copy. Printing this on tee shirts requires high-res format. If you belong to an organization, I can include the name of your organization as your signature of commitment. The design above is for Peaceworks103.


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